Community Advocates
Sleeptight Hampton Roads is comprised of a variety of community advocates because it will take the entire community to change the statistics. This page represents a few key initiatives that grew out of our collaborations. This page is certainly not inclusive of all the wonderful, every day, advocates in the community.
Sleeptight First Response, the first of its kind in Hampton Roads, is an opportunity for responders to provide prevention. Sleeptight First Response is an important piece of a community-wide initiative to save our babies.
Every year in Hampton Roads, approximately 30 infants die from preventable causes while they sleep. To better protect infants, Sleeptight Hampton Roads is partnering with our communities first responders to raise safe sleep awareness, provide education, and connect families to life-saving resources, like free pack-n-plays. Together, we can prevent these tragedies. No family should have to suffer the loss of an infant, especially in such an unexpected manner.

Safe Sleep Childcare
Sleeptight Hampton Roads provides free continuing education to Childcare centers, helping develop policies and procedures to support safe sleep, and provides print materials for display. We are currently working on a Safe Sleep Child Care Center designation for centers that are going above and beyond the minimum licensure requirements. Please contact us for more information.
Sleeptight Hampton Roads has teamed up with over 70 pharmacies to provide educational materials to pregnant women and babies.

Safe Sleep Hotels

Sleeptight originally began as the Manger Project. A small group of local churches donated funds towards the purchase of pack-n-plays.